Fatal Trouble

"I knew Miss Tang would have such concerns, but since I dare to do this, it means that I'm very confident in this matter. You can rest assured."

Yun Yan raised her eyebrows and looked very relaxed. "Zero, the number one on the hacker rankings, is usually elusive and often travels to many countries. There's a high chance that she doesn't have the time to care about this matter. Everyone only knows that Zero is a woman, but she revealed it herself. The third place on the rankings has never interfered in society. He's an extremely secretive person. The only person who can ruin our plan is the second place on the rankings. However, I don't believe we'll be so unlucky to be ruined by this only person."

"Then I'm much more relieved." Tang Li poured a cup of tea and handed it to Yun Yan. "We still have to rely on your help for this operation. With you, our chances of winning against the Shan Corporation will greatly increase."