
Even though Shan Yue could vaguely guess that Zhou Xuan was the second-ranked "King" from their last exchange, Shan Yue was not sure if Zhou Xuan would keep his mouth shut and keep this secret once he knew her identity.

Time passed minute by minute. Ruo Ting had obviously completed the first question and started to prepare the second.

On the other hand, Shan Yue still did not even pick up her pen.

Gao Hua announced without any fear, "I told you that Shan Yue is a piece of trash. It doesn't take a genius to know that Ruo Ting will definitely win this competition. What right does an outsider like her have to compete with Ruo Ting? Look at her standing stupidly on the stage. She probably can't even understand the questions. She chose to stand for enough time before giving up."