Skills Exhausted

Someone immediately echoed, "I think she's at her wits' end. That's why she casually drew two strokes to leave a mark on the paper. In the end, she won't hand in a blank paper and become the laughing stock of the entire Federation City."

At the same time, Zhang Huang and Lin Xiao also noticed this. However, looking at the remaining time, this could not dispel the existing anxiety in their hearts.

At the same time, it made the two of them wonder why Shan Yue had to wait until the competition was about to end before writing. What was her purpose? Or was she worried?

In the last few seconds before the competition ended, the host came to the front of the stage. "Three, two, one. I now announce that this year's National High School Competition is over. Please stand back. We will have professionals judge their results and announce the final winner on the spot."