This Small Matter

"What if they don't hold back and blow up the matter or do something out of line? What if Shan Yue calls the police in the end? Will the police find out about us through them?" Shan Xing asked again.

Gao Hua waved his hand nonchalantly. "You don't have to worry about that. In this line of work, there are rules. No matter what happens, whether it's compensation or being arrested by the police, you can't reveal any information about your employer. If there aren't even such rules, who will look for them for help?"

Shan Xing nodded and appeared to be deep in thought. "That makes sense. This way, no one will know that we did it."

Just as the two of them were talking, someone sat opposite Gao Hua. He looked up and saw that it was Wei Long.

"You're finally here, Wei Long. We've been waiting for you for a long time. If you hadn't come, the waiter would have chased us away."