
As Yang Ning spoke, a puzzled expression appeared on his face. "But she was just a simple student before and didn't have much experience. If this calm and maturity is an innate personality, it's really an eye-opener for me."

"No matter what, since she has already received Grandpa's approval, I don't have to worry."

Yang Shuo couldn't help but smile. "After all, this is the first time you've taken the initiative to agree to my relationship with the opposite sex. Coincidentally, the other party is my type. I'll definitely seize this rare opportunity."

Yang Ning nodded. Then, he waved his hand, indicating for Yang Shuo to go do his own thing. After all this time, he was clearly exhausted.

After Yang Shuo left, Yang Ning lay on the bed and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Zhou Xuan completed the last checkup with He Sheng. In the end, he got what he wanted. His injuries had completely recovered and he was fine.