
"But…" Wei Long hesitated a little." What if Shan Yue brought someone with her when she came to meet me? Are you going to deal with everyone around her? "

"That's absolutely impossible. Why don't you think about it? She didn't bring anyone with her when she went to look for you. She fought forty or fifty people alone."

Gao Hua was very confident in his guess. "You've submitted to her, as long as you find a legitimate reason to meet her, she definitely won't bring her bodyguards. The more confident someone is, the more conceited they are, especially someone like Shan Yue."

Gao Hua's words were like a shot of adrenaline to Wei Long. It immediately dispelled his doubts, and his determination became stronger and stronger.

Although Wei Long wanted to minimize his sense of participation in this matter, he knew very well that he was taking three million yuan now, not the million yuan at the beginning, so he had to do more for Gao Hua.