A Test

"Of course. You can trust me on this. Don't think that I'm just a hooligan from the school, but I have my own principles." Although Wu Kai's hand was in a cast, he still patted his chest confidently. "A triad is about loyalty and righteousness. No matter what happens, it will never change my mind."

"Sure. Since you say so, I'll believe you for once." Chang Ling raised his eyebrows casually and continued, "Secondly, you have to be absolutely obedient. Everything in the Shan Corporation was built by President Shan bit by bit. No matter how long you stay by her side in the future, don't think about trying to be above her. That way, you will only die even more miserably."

"I understand this too. I'm already very satisfied to be able to work by President Shan's side." Wu Kai's eyes were very firm. "As for anything else that goes out of line, I don't even dare to think about it. I'll only do my job."