Show Him

Shan Yue nodded. "I know you all have good intentions. Actually, I won't blame him even if you tell me the reason."

"In that case, won't President Shan also not blame me?" Zhou Xuan raised his eyebrows and asked tentatively, "Then I wonder if you have time tonight. Since we didn't manage to make an appointment in the afternoon, we can change it to tonight."

"President Zhou's wishful thinking is really good." When Shan Yue heard this, she couldn't help but smile. "You've only been discharged from the hospital for a few days. Don't you need to deal with the company's matters? You spent the afternoon accompanying me and even cleared your schedule for the evening."

"Of course I need to deal with the company's matters." Zhou Xuan waved his hand. "In order to come out and see you, I finished the work I had to deal with in advance. Besides, how is work as important as you? The two of them can't be compared at all."