The Gao Corporation Is Done For

If they could successfully cross this hurdle, the Gao family's future would definitely advance by leaps and bounds. If the Gao family unfortunately did not survive this crisis, the consequences they would face would be unimaginable.

Gao Ming looked at the majestic company building in front of him. His eyes became more and more determined, and the fighting spirit in his heart rose. For the future of the Gao family, for himself and for Gao Hua, he had to support this family.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one around, Gao Ming muttered a few words to himself. Sometimes, the way adults vented was so simple. Half a minute later, he pulled himself together and walked into the company with his head held high as if nothing had happened.

However, what Gao Ming could not imagine was that just as he was prepared to face difficulties, they arrived on time.