I Have Your Back

"You're right. Chang Ling is indeed a good seedling. He has a lot of potential. Once he can fully unearth it, his future achievements will definitely not be underestimated."

Shan Yue was not stingy with her praise, because Chang Ling was indeed worthy of this sentence. "But you're not here to tell me about Chang Ling now, right? If you have anything, just tell me. What are you hiding?"

"Then I'll be straightforward. Actually, Country H has sent me a message recently. They said that some small forces around them have spontaneously gathered together."

Ye Ying frowned. "We didn't pay much attention at first, but the power that has formed is getting bigger and bigger. It's completely beyond our imagination. If this continues, my mercenary group's status will definitely be threatened."

"Interesting, but that's how team competition works. You have the motivation to make yourself stronger when there's a threat."