Bomb in the Bag

Shan Yue imagined all kinds of possible scenarios and frowned slightly. "Prevent the bomb in the bag from being remotely activated. Once the suspect is given a chance to react, we will lose the initiative and be completely led by the nose."

Seeing that everyone's fighting spirit was extremely low, the guard captain immediately shouted, "Everyone in the airport is the same as us. They have families waiting to go back, so everyone has to pull themselves together. Do you understand?"


Just like that, some fighting spirit slowly appeared in their eyes. Right on the heels of that, everyone began to prepare according to Shan Yue's instructions.

At this moment, if everyone was really facing a bomb, it would be a lie to say that they were not afraid. However, for themselves, for their families, and for the masses, these people had no choice but to bite the bullet and charge forward.