
Zhou Xuan's cold tone revealed a hint of doubt. "As for the Gao Corporation's fraud case, it's even more ridiculous. How are you going to deal with something that the entire country knows? How are you going to get past the pressure of public opinion alone?"

"I really don't have a choice, President Zhou. I'm just a small person in charge of carrying out the orders of the higher-ups. Usually, I'll definitely follow your instructions, but this time…" There was a hint of hesitation in Chief Wang's words. After reorganizing himself, he said again, "But this time, the Gao family's matter involves too many things. It even concerns the entire country."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Xuan immediately guessed the other party's identity. Only the Yang family had the ability to mobilize such a huge force and cause an impact on the entire country in the central city of the Federation.