Dream On

Yu Sen shouted loudly in order to awaken the last trace of conscience in people's hearts. "It doesn't matter if no one helps me. I can still study it myself. However, when it happens, I hope these people can regret the wrong choice they made back then."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shan Yue smiled and nodded in satisfaction. She raised her hands and applauded encouragingly. "Very good, President Yu. With your words, it proves that I didn't misjudge you. You're indeed worthy of my previous evaluation of you."

Shan Yue patted his shoulder gently and smiled confidently. "To be honest, there aren't many people like you anymore. You can still maintain your self-esteem in this chaotic world. Just based on this, I won't let you gain nothing today."

"Hahaha, the two of you are really ridiculous."

As soon as Shan Yue finished speaking, mocking laughter sounded. The ear-piercing sound echoed in everyone's ears, making them feel irritated.