Establishing Herself

"President Yu, everyone who can sit here today is an understanding person. Therefore, I won't waste my breath and get straight to the point."

Shan Yue did not waste any time and directly asked the question in her heart. "You should have thought of such a scene before holding today's gala, right? Your only goal is to gather people and do it alone, right?"

"You're right."

Yu Sen also answered very quickly, "After all, I've long seen the true appearance of these people. It's impossible for the Federation's Central City to rely on them to develop. Therefore, from the beginning, I was prepared to leave them and establish my own sect."

"Since President Yu trusts me and told me your true thoughts, I won't hide it from you. To be honest, I'm also prepared to do it alone. The main reason why I came to this gala today is to cooperate with you."