Take Good Care of You

"…Both." Zhou Xuan also knew that his face was red to the ears, and his thin lips were trembling slightly, but he still answered Shan Yue's question.

When the two of them looked up, the people in the venue had already begun to leave one after another. The originally lively atmosphere suddenly became quiet, and Zhou Xuan gradually fell asleep leaning against his chair.

Shan Yue reached out and looked at her watch again. The needle was about to point to twelve. After midnight today, it would be time for her to take action, so she had to go back and make some preparations.

She called He Sheng, who had been waiting at the door. "Your President Zhou drank too much. Don't let him worry about what happened tonight. I'll send him a message after I'm done. Take him back to rest early. When he wakes up, tell him what I'm saying now."