A Mess

Shan Yue sounded very confident and was even in the mood to joke. "Actually, I came tonight to help Director Cheng check how your security measures are. From the looks of it, it's simply a mess. Even someone like me can barge in so easily."

"Security check?" Cheng Yan's every word was filled with disdain for Shan Yue. "President Shan, I'm sure you know very well why you're here tonight. Do you have to be so secretive?"

"If Director Cheng speaks like this, I don't understand even more. What should I know? Or do you have some unspeakable secret that can't be discovered?" Shan Yue looked clueless and looked forward innocently. "But if you really want to pin this on me, there's nothing I can do. I just hope you can make things clear."