Something's Wrong

The patient's lips were very dry and cracked. He tried his best to raise his hand. "If you can cure me or extend my life, that's already an unexpected outcome. Even if something really happens to me, I won't blame you at all."

"Don't worry. Since I've already promised you, I'll definitely do my best to let you live."

Shan Yue held several needles in both hands and was already prepared for the patient's acupuncture points. "You have to believe in yourself. As long as your will is strong enough, you will definitely survive."

"No problem. Come on."

Seeing the patient's determined gaze, Shan Yue no longer hesitated. She pointed the freshly roasted silver needle at the acupuncture point she had found in advance and inserted it bit by bit.

As the silver needle entered, the pain began to penetrate the patient's entire body. His cries gradually reached an uncontrollable level.