Unstable Factor

The news of the pneumonia virus also spread in Federal City with the sanctions imposed on Cheng Yan and the others. The people in the city began to live a life of panic. Even the Yang Corporation's plan to enter the Federation City was temporarily put on hold.

Many authoritative medical experts held emergency meetings and transferred all the patients to separate wards to begin fully professional treatment.

On the other hand, Shan Yue was not idle. Within two days of waiting for the laboratory to be built, she sorted out most of the information about lung disease and passed it to Yu Sen and Luo Xin.

At noon on the third day, Shan Yue called the two of them to the Shan Corporation to roughly tour the laboratory.

"The Shan Corporation is indeed worthy of its reputation. I think I've visited many famous laboratories, but today, it seems that your company's laboratory is really comparable to the international ones."