Fighting Fire With Fire

"Miss Luo, I don't know if my idea is feasible. We can use a method to fight fire with fire. First, we can extract a portion of the virus and make it lose its activity before entering people's bodies. This way, we can let people produce antibodies in their bodies."

Yu Sen looked at the information spread on the table and boldly shared his thoughts. "As long as people have a portion of antibodies, they won't be easily infected. That will achieve the effect of the vaccine."

"Theoretically, it's feasible, but this virus is something we haven't seen yet. No one knows what level it is before it really loses its activity. And we don't know if it has any other side effects."

Luo Xin made a thoughtful gesture. "Besides, we only have one chance to publish it. We don't have the authority that the country recognizes. If we fail, it will be very difficult for anyone to believe us."