Lang Nan's Trump Card

"But don't forget that Shan Yue is the recipient of the International Medical Medal. There are only three in the world. Those who can have that are the top talents in the world." As Cheng Yan spoke, she could not help but feel a little nervous. "Are we really confident that we can develop the antidote earlier than her?"

"You don't have to worry about that. Recently, my people have been keeping an eye on the Shan Corporation. Shan Yue has basically never left the Corporation. Moreover, I've also investigated the engineering map of her company. There's no laboratory at all."

Lang Nan was very confident in his investigation. "Then there's only one possibility left. Only Yu Sen and the stranger at the banquet are doing research. No matter what, Shan Yue must be delayed by something now, so our chances are still very high."