
At this moment, Cheng Yan's heart was in her throat. Her body was curled up tightly. She did not even dare to breathe, let alone speak.

After Ah Yong searched again and left the alley, Cheng Yan took out her phone again. However, this time, her every move was exceptionally careful. "Shan Yue, you were right. Lang Nan was pretending just now. He has no intention of letting me off tonight."

Even though Cheng Yan tried her best to remain calm, when faced with a true life and death situation, fear still surged in her heart.

Her trembling hand tapped the screen of her phone. "I've already seen Ah Yong searching for me nearby. That's his best subordinate. He won't easily send Ah Yong out on a mission unless it's necessary."

"Don't be afraid. Just wait where you are." Shan Yue frowned slightly. She did not even wait for the red light in front of her and rushed over. "I can reach you in two minutes at most. You have to hold on until I get there."