
"I made it very clear at the banquet yesterday. They must have guessed that I suspected a traitor in the Elder Council."

A teasing smile appeared on Ye Ying's lips. "In addition to the letter you sent to Elder Hu last night, it also gave him a lot of pressure. He thinks that he knows me very well and knows that I will never show mercy to traitors. So these few days, he will definitely not be able to help but contact the outside world."

"At that time, the surveillance virus we planted will play a key role." Yu Feng, who had been silent for a long time, added, "We will receive the same record for every word Elder Hu reported to Duo Feng. This is absolute evidence. No matter how he quibbles in the end, it's useless."

After saying this, Ye Ying's expression was very relaxed. He tapped his fingers on the stool casually. "We just have to wait and see. The wicked will get their retribution in the end."