The Second Traitor

"You're still the smartest to think of such a way to kill two birds with one stone. I don't think that Ye Ying is a ruthless person. Why are there so many rumors in Country H? Everyone says that he relied on his own efforts to achieve his current achievements. I think he's inferior to you in terms of scheming and ability."

The eldest of the three brothers was full of mockery for Ye Ying. "In my opinion, it's time for this situation in Country H to change, and we're the leaders of this country."

"Alright, everything isn't settled yet. Don't be happy too early. According to that old thing, I feel that Ye Ying must have sensed something. Otherwise, he wouldn't have done such a strange thing."

Duo Feng narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment. "At this point, it's time for him to react. Otherwise, he'll really be letting down the public's evaluation of him."