Life-Saving Straw

Yu Sen did not hide the pride and confidence in his eyes at all. "No matter what the outcome is, we will help you."

Shan Yue nodded and left the Shan Corporation with the antidote. She had just gotten into the car when Lang Nan's phone received a message.

[Shan Yue has already developed the antidote. Now that she has left the company, there's a high chance that she's looking for the person to inject the antidote. She didn't tell us who she wanted to find. The rest is up to your surveillance system.]

Lang Nan looked at the message on his phone screen. His face was really mixed with joy and worry. His terrified face was mixed with the last trace of hope. To him, this timely information was no different from a straw to clutch at.

"Ah Yong!" Lang Nan shouted.

Ah Yong, who was still outside the door, heard the sound and immediately pushed the door open. "What's wrong, Brother Lang?"