The Same

"This is what I should do. Actually, you're the one who decides the key direction of the matter."

"At this time, the pressure on you is clearly not inferior to mine at all. But you still don't have any complaints and have been taking care of my emotions." Shan Yue reached out and gently stroked Zhou Xuan's face. She looked into his eyes affectionately. "Actually, I hope you can tell me everything. Since we're each other's support, I don't want you to bear everything silently alone."

"I naturally know what you're saying, but don't worry about me. I can still tell the severity of the matter." Zhou Xuan waved his hand. He thought that what he did was not worth mentioning compared to Shan Yue, so he skipped the topic. "Since you said that the antidote has been developed in advance, doesn't that mean that He Sheng…"