None Can Run

After Ah Yong finished speaking, he turned his gaze to his lackeys in front of him. "Brothers, it's time to be promoted. Kill her!"

With a command, all the bodyguards swarmed towards Shan Yue. All of them waved electric batons in their hands, treating Shan Yue as a prerequisite for their promotion.

People's greedy nature was vividly displayed at this moment. Power and wealth were always irresistible to most people, including these bodyguards at the bottom.

"Don't fight with me. Her life is mine."

As soon as he finished speaking, the person turned on the switch of the electric baton in his hand and rushed towards Shan Yue.

Shan Yue did not panic at all in the face of the bodyguard who was about to reach her. She opened her hand and prepared to welcome the other party's attack with her bare hands.