Leave No One Alive

Knock knock knock.

As there was a knock on the door outside the office, Shan Yue guessed that it should be Chang Ling.

"Come in."

"President Shan, you're finally back. I was so worried." When Chang Ling saw Shan Yue, he calmed down. "President Zhou called me and said that he must let me protect you during this period of time. That bastard Lang Nan will definitely think of a way to take your life."

"Don't worry. I've never looked him in the eye. Although he's the deputy governor of the Federation City, he's not a threat to me."

Shan Yue's tone was very relaxed, and every word was filled with confidence. "I called you over now because I have something else for you to do."

"Tell me, I've been in the company for a long time. I'm so free that I want to find something to do."

As Chang Ling spoke, he flexed his limbs. "As long as you say the word, I can get Lang Nan's life back for you."