I Will Definitely Do It

"Isn't the Federation's Central City infected with the pneumonia virus recently? In order to protect my status, I didn't announce this matter. The director who worked for me also betrayed me. Shan Yue now has evidence of all my crimes."

Huo Jue was Lang Nan's last straw to clutch at, so he told him everything without reservation. "The most important thing is that Shan Yue has developed the antidote and is preparing to send me to prison at the press conference the day after tomorrow."

As soon as these words were spoken, Huo Jue was shocked. The reason for his reaction was not the process that Lang Nan had mentioned, but Shan Yue's name.

This was because this name reminded him of Ling Yue again. He thought of the child who would play around him as soon as she finished training.

"Elder Huo?" After Lang Nan finished speaking, he saw that there was no reaction on the other end of the phone, so he called out tentatively, "Are you listening?"