
The escape route was right in front of him, as long as he jumped down from here and opened the parachute, he could still fight for a chance of survival.

However, imagination was always beautiful, but reality was a blow to the head.

Just as Liu Qing put one foot on the window and was about to jump into the air, a gunshot came from behind. The crisp sound cut through the night sky and echoed in the entire office.

The bullet flew forward at a speed of 100 meters and pierced straight through Liu Qing's calf, causing him to no longer have the strength to jump.

Shan Yue had indeed said that she wanted to keep Liu Qing alive for interrogation. Bullets could not hit his head, but she did not say that they could not hit anywhere else. Besides, there was no time for Chang Ling to think so much about the scene just now. The most important thing was to stop Liu Qing from escaping.