The Culprit

Although the First Elder was very unwilling to face this reality directly, the truth was right in front of him. No matter what, he had to believe it.

"Actually, we can put it another way. Everyone's death that day was because of Ling Yue. No matter what happened at the event location that we don't know, it was indeed her bomb that ended everyone's lives."

The First Elder said this very unwillingly, "Based on the evidence I've found so far, the spearhead of this matter is all pointed at Ling Yue. She's the culprit who killed everyone."

"No, that's absolutely impossible. Ling Yue would never do such a thing. You've seen her grow up. You know best what kind of person she is."

The First Elder's words had no credibility with him. Huo Jue immediately denied it. "The organization is her home since she was young. She's lived here for more than ten years. How could she do such a thing?"