Preparing to Go Onstage

"Don't worry, President Zhou. We naturally know what to do with these small matters." Luo Xin revealed a confident smile and agreed readily. However, this was only on the surface. In fact, she had already made up her mind.

"Then let's get ready to go on stage." As Zhou Xuan spoke, he walked behind the curtain. Seeing this, Yu Sen and Luo Xin also stood behind Zhou Xuan.

As Zhou Xuan glanced at the side, the staff immediately understood what he meant. He casually fiddled with the buttons on the console and the lights in the venue immediately dimmed, leaving only the lighting on the stage.

The audience also started whispering right on the heels of that. Everyone knew that this meant that the press conference was about to begin.

Whether Shan Yue was really capable or a gimmick to intimidate others, it was revealed at this moment. The curtain on the stage slowly pulled open, and the three of them appeared in front of everyone.