The Fourth Bomb

Just as Shan Yue's attention shifted from the surroundings of the warehouse to Shan Chen, she saw that the bottom of the chair Shan Chen was sitting on was covered.

"Looks like we've found it. The last bomb is here." Shan Yue smiled confidently. Although she had yet to check, the strong feeling in her heart explained everything.

Chang Ling turned around and looked under the chair in the direction of Shan Yue's voice. He reached out and lifted the cloth Shan Chen was sitting on.

Sure enough, the fourth bomb was under the chair.

"What a good plan. If they place the last sub-bomb on your brother, we'll ignore this place when we're searching. In the end, we won't be able to dismantle all four bombs, so we won't be able to start dismantling the mother bomb."

Chang Ling could not help but sigh. The situation in front of him had really taught him a lesson.