Buying Time

The bodyguard had only taken a few steps when he was pushed to the ground by Chang Ling. He was controlled and brought back to the warehouse like he was carrying a chick. However, this time, Chang Ling did not tie him to the chair. He knew that the bodyguard would definitely think of all ways to escape, so he tied him to the pillar.

With both his hands shot, it was impossible for him to untie the rope and escape. After preparing everything, Chang Ling revealed a smug smile. "Just wait here in peace and see if your loyal Deputy Governor Lang will take the risk to save you."

Chang Ling took out the phone that he had used to establish contact with Lang Nan. As the records had long been deleted by the bodyguard, Chang Ling could not obtain any clues. However, his fingers were still jumping quickly on the screen as he sent a few words. "Boss, I've succeeded here. None of the people in the warehouse came out alive."