Leveled to the Ground

"I'm sorry. Forgive me if I can't agree to your request, and—"

"What?" As soon as Luo Xin asked that question, another person appeared behind her and struck her neck, followed by pain and a strong sense of dizziness.

Luo Xin fainted on the ground and lost her senses. Seeing this, the leader of the bodyguards smiled perfectly and gave another person a look. The moment their eyes met, the man immediately understood what she meant. One of the bodyguards dragged Luo Xin to a separate room and tied her up to guard her alone.

"President Zhou could really predict. He's long guessed that after President Shan returns, you traitor will definitely take the opportunity to escape." After the bodyguard was done, he muttered softly, "So we were arranged to wait here in advance, specially waiting for you to fall into the trap."

"Alright, this matter is resolved. It's time for us to go in and take a look at the situation inside. President Zhou needs manpower now."