Keeping the Agreement

"Other than money and necessary items, don't bring anything else. Wait for my news at home."

Since Shan Yue had already publicly stated that the antidote would begin tomorrow, it meant that the Federation's Central City was not far from being unsealed.

As long as he used his connections to postpone the summons, he would have enough time to leave the Federation City and start a new life in a place where no one could find him.

"From now on, all of you will stay at home. Don't go anywhere to see anyone. Don't even answer calls from strangers."

Lang Nan was very cautious. He instructed his wife word by word, afraid that something would go wrong. Now, he only needed to return to the provincial department and his home respectively and destroy all the evidence of everything. That would be foolproof.

What Shan Yue handed over was not enough to kill him. As long as he was given a chance of survival, there was a chance of turning the tables.