
After most of the people had left, Shan Yue followed Chang Ling to the place where she had eaten with Zhou Xuan twice.

Zhou Xuan and Yu Sen had been waiting for a long time. As soon as Shan Yue entered, she looked apologetic.

"I'm really sorry. I did encounter some sudden situation and couldn't leave. I made the two of you wait for me for so long." Shan Yue sat beside Zhou Xuan. "I'll foot the bill for today's meal. Take it as my apology."

"Look at what President Shan is saying. Aren't you being too polite? President Zhou and I have just arrived not long ago. We happened to discuss the future development of the Federation's Central City and didn't wait long."

Yu Sen quickly said with a smile, "Besides, no matter what, there's no reason for President Shan to foot the bill."

"I chose to stand on President Yu's side this time. Since it's a dinner party organized by me, I should be the one to foot it."