An Obvious Move

Shan Yue's words were like a tranquilizer, injecting straight into Chang Ling's heart. "Besides, Zhou Xuan isn't the kind of person you think he is. His mouth is more like an airtight wall. He definitely won't reveal anything."

After hearing Shan Yue's words, Chang Ling immediately lowered his head and admitted his mistake. "I'm sorry, President Shan. I judged him with a petty mind."

"It's nothing. I won't blame you. It would be the same no matter who it was. You definitely have to be more careful with people you don't trust."

Shan Yue waved her hand casually. "Alright, we have to deal with this obstacle first."

Just as Shan Yue finished speaking, the car door was opened. A slender leg took the lead to step out of the driver's seat. Against the black suit, it looked especially stylish.