An Accident

"It's a soldier's nature to follow orders. I said so long before we boarded the plane. If you have any objections to my words, the parachute is over there. I'll allow you to parachute down now. There's no need to participate in this operation."

As Shan Yue spoke, she pointed to the corner of the plane.

"No… no." Everyone answered hesitantly.

"Do you understand?" Seeing this, Shan Yue roared angrily, "What right do you have to save Ye Ying in your current state? Is it because your reactions are slow, or is it because you're distracted? Let me tell you, if you continue in this state, get lost immediately."

"I'm sorry, Captain. We understand!" Under Shan Yue's stern shout, everyone perked up and threw away all the emotions that affected them.

Without cutting jade, it would be useless. Shan Yue naturally understood this very well. No matter what the reason was, there was no chance for them to hesitate on the battlefield.