I Won't Let You Die

Shan Yue could understand Feng Duo's actions. If he was unwilling to face failure, he would choose to escape completely. Death was the best solution.

With a gunshot, Duo Feng trembled. The death he had imagined did not come. Instead, he felt a burning sensation on his wrist, which then turned into intense pain. When he opened his closed eyes, he realized that the gun in his hand had already fallen to the ground.

The gunshot just now was not caused by him, but by Shan Yue shooting at his wrist.

"Why?" Duo Feng looked at Shan Yue in confusion. "Why don't you let me die? I killed so many people in your mercenary group. Why did you save me?"

"Heh, save you? Don't be naive." Shan Yue sneered. "Don't overestimate yourself. Who do you think you are? You're just a lowly person who knows how to play some shameful tricks. Is it worth it for me to save you?"

"Then why—"

Before Duo Feng could ask another question, Shan Yue snatched the right to speak.