Jiang Huai's Scheme

"It's okay. I can understand. No one can agree immediately, let alone him." Ye Ying's words still gave Cang Xin hope. "Give him some more time. Since he didn't reject us directly, it means that there's still room for negotiation."

After Cang Xin finished speaking, Captain Gong did not immediately answer. Instead, he paused for a moment.

"Sect Master Cang, there's one more thing I don't know if I should say." Captain Gong's tone was a little hesitant, and his aura wasn't very strong. It was more of a probing attitude.

"You've already asked this question, which proves that you have the intention to say this. How can I not let you say it?" Sect Master Cang didn't think too much about it. She thought it was about attacking Jiang Huai together.