Very Good Idea

"Of course not. I've already thought about this. I'm already building a multinational bodyguard company. It can be basically completed when we return. This way, not only will we solve the problem of nationality, but we'll also solve their survival problem."

No matter what decision Shan Yue made, she would definitely make full preparations in advance. "However, the most important thing I'm doing is to take this opportunity to plant spies around every important person. This way, I'll have spies all over the country and be familiar with everyone's movements."

At this point, Zhou Xuan's eyes lit up. This was indeed a good idea.

However, the risks and benefits had always been proportional. Once others found out that the mastermind behind the spy was Shan Yue, she would definitely be in danger.

"It's okay. I know what you're thinking." Shan Yue's words interrupted Zhou Xuan's thoughts.