A Heavy Gift

Shan Yue, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "Looking at this matter alone, Jiang Huai is really a vengeful person. He will mobilize his troops and attack whoever spoils his plans. However, such a lineup is much fiercer than when he attacked us. If Cang Xin is not prepared, she will probably lose very badly."

Hearing this, Ye Ying immediately frowned. At this moment, Cang Xin was in trouble. Whether to save her or not had become Ye Ying's most conflicted matter.

The battle with Duo Feng had just ended, and their vitality had been greatly damaged. They should have avoided the battle and recuperated well. It was not appropriate for them to participate in related matters.

However, from the perspective of benefits, Cang Xin was very friendly to them and wanted to cooperate. There was no need to offend her. Moreover, even if he would leave Country H after this, he could not stay out of it.