Pursuing Victory

When Jiang Huai saw what had just happened, he couldn't help but reveal a smug smile, as if the goddess of victory was already waving at him. However, one could not be complacent too early. Jiang Huai was not happy for long before an accident immediately happened.

With a whoosh, there was the sound of the cannonball rubbing against the wind when it flew at high speed. Then, it lasted for a second, and the sound of the air breaking kept appearing.

However, Jiang Huai didn't think too much about it. He thought that it was a continuous attack from his side. It wasn't until the bomb exploded that he was truly dumbfounded.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Consecutive explosions sounded from behind the military camp. At this moment, Jiang Huai finally understood that the situation he had imagined had indeed happened.