Opening Gambit

"President Zhou didn't want me to tell you about this, but I really can't stand the situation at home." He Sheng said nervously, "Other than you, there's no one else who can help President Zhou."

"What happened?" Shan Yue asked impatiently, "Did something happen to Zhou Xuan?"

There was a two-second pause on the other end of the phone, but in the end, he still told her the truth.

"Ever since President Zhou returned a few days ago, his identity as the head of the Zhou Corporation has been removed. Now, the identity of the head of the corporation has been handed over to Second Master's son, Zhou Feng, to temporarily manage. However, this Zhou Feng has always been at odds with President Zhou. He will definitely use this opportunity to suppress President Zhou unscrupulously."

Hearing this news, Shan Yue was really shocked. "Why is this happening? Wasn't he still fine when he returned?"