Shocking News

Shan Yue's eyes were deep. "Zhou Feng is just a puppet. The real person in charge is his father, Zhou Xuan's second uncle, Zhou Chuo."

At this point, a bad thought appeared in Shan Yue's mind.

Zhou Xuan had been in charge of the Zhou Corporation for many years. If Zhou Chuo wanted to seize power, he should have taken action long ago. He should not have waited for Zhou Xuan to stabilize his foundation before taking action. This was too illogical.

There were only two reasons for him to do this. Either a lowly person around him had persuaded him to do so, causing Zhou Chuo to have bad thoughts, or someone had instructed him from behind and he had only done as he was told.

No matter what the reason was, he was clearly on the opposite side of Zhou Xuan, so this person could not be left alive.