Listed Overseas

"No matter what Zhou Feng's motive is, there must be a huge conspiracy behind this." Shan Yue already had some bad thoughts.

It was possible that the Zhou family, like Jiang Huai of Country H, had already become the puppet of the organization. After all, if they wanted to control the Federation's Central City, the Zhou family was indeed a good choice.

However, this was only a guess, which was why Shan Yue did not say this out loud. "Alright, the good thing is that we've already discovered that Zhou Feng is abnormal. We can only take it one step at a time."

Shan Yue knew that the most important thing now was naturally not Zhou Feng, but Zhou Xuan. "Inform Mike to prepare for action."

"No problem." With that, Ye Ying took out his cell phone and sent the message that he had prepared long ago. Sure enough, less than a minute after the message was sent, he received a reply.