Under Monitoring the Whole Time

"I'll open these things for you when we get back. The circled place on the map is where we're going to conduct our selection. Hopefully, you'll be here at eight in the morning three days from now. We don't like late students."

At the mention of the competition, the assistant's aura immediately rose. "When the time comes, in addition to your own communication tool, you also have to bring the thing I just gave you. That's a tool specially used by the teachers to contact the contestants."

"No problem." Shan Yue listened very seriously to these words. As the representative of the number one university in the Federation City, it would be too embarrassing for the school if she couldn't win.

"Is there anything else you don't understand about the competition?" The assistant packed up his things and clearly had the intention to leave after completing the mission.

"There's nothing else." Shan Yue placed her hand on her chin and shook her head.