Beat One At Their Own Game

Before finding conclusive evidence, Shan Yue could not jump to conclusions. After all, it could not be ruled out that other forces were following her. However, these were just small problems for Shan Yue. In an instant, she had a solution in mind. This solution still required Chang Ling to cooperate with her.

Shan Yue dialed Chang Ling's number.

"Chang Ling, come to my office."

In less than a minute, Chang Ling was standing at the door of Shan Yue's office. "President Shan, are you looking for me?"

Shan Yue smiled without saying anything. After the office door closed, Shan Yue took out a camera and handed it to Chang Ling. "This camera has been specially modified by me. The camera inside can be magnified by thousands or even tens of thousands of times. It can let you capture everyone's faces clearly." Shan Yue walked to the window and looked down at everything from a tall building dozens of floors above.