Perish Together

Shan Yue pretended to be very concerned. She got up from under the tree and quickly walked to Ruo Ting. She asked with concern, "Are you okay? I'll help you contact the medical staff now…"

Ruo Ting sobbed and looked at Shan Yue with teary eyes. However, the emotions in her eyes were not grievance or touched at all. Instead, they were filled with jealousy and the joy of succeeding.

Seeing that Jia Yi had already appeared behind Shan Yue, Ruoting turned pitiful and shouted, "Jia Yi, do it!"

Hearing that, Jia Yi immediately imitated the attack on Ruo Ting and attacked Shan Yue's neck and the back of her head. In a flash, Shan Yue immediately reacted. Her figure moved and she dodged to the side. Jia Yi missed and smashed into Ruo Ting. The two of them rolled together.

"Ouch!" Ruo Ting cried out in pain.