Ariana soon felt the pain in her lower abdomen.
"Casey do you think that my child will survive this pain." She asked in between her cries.
The pain that she was feeling from the rejection, to Hunter marking her sister intensified. There were no words to describe what she was feeling deep within her, although Hunter refused to acknowledge the child it did not mean that she will deny the child the right to enter this world.
"Ari, when Hunter and Ava mates later on the pain will be unbearable. What it will do to you, what it'll do your baby is even wors." Casey replied wiping he down tears.
"Casey, I don't think that I have a choice in staying in this pack. I have to go for my child's sake." Ariana said managing to collect herself together.
"But, Ari where will you?" Casey asked feeling bad for her friend.